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I have no idea about the story since I could not understand the language but I made a no commentary gameplay for your game:

velice povedená hra skvělá atmosféra s výbornou grafikou ne jednou jsem se lekl možná bych jen zvukové efekty na začátku bych trochu ztišil byly hlasité o proti mluvení postav a celkově je hra dost hlasitá že jsem si to musel ztlumit v nastavení pc takže možná bych zvážil přidaní nastavení hlasitosti taky jsem si všiml maličkosti že některý text v mobilu má svůj stín jinak celkově super hra

A promising game and excellent atmosphere, which definitely needs English localization.

The mechanics are quite simple and the gameplay is just superb. I was able to translate some things, although the details went over my head. I fully understand that this is a game Jam projects, which is why I hope the game will get an update and will include the option to change the language. 

Best of luck with the project and future developments. Cheers! 


Thank you! This was only my school project and it wasn't supposed to be in english. It was meant to be just this small game. Maybe in the future I will add english subtitles, but it's not my priority.